Intensive Polish language course for ski instructors

Intensive Polish language course for ski instructors
We will prepare you for the coming winter season.

Are you a ski instructor who often has Polish people in the group? You teach Polish kids skiing and you don’t know what to do when they call out “siusiu”? Or perhaps you want to gain new customers from Poland? Join our intensive Polish language course and we will prepare you for the coming winter season. Regardless of whether you teach skiing or snowboarding, we will help you master the most important vocabulary, useful phrases, commands and instructions, questions, and responses...

Our intensive Polish language course guarantees:

  • dynamic, diverse and motivating activities
  • special emphasis on the practical use of language – speaking and comprehension
  • grammar practised in authentic language situations
  • interesting language games and tasks
  • role-playing in the classroom: enacting skiing lessons
  • practical activities on the piste (with favourable snow conditions)
  • for those who have never learnt Polish before and for those who already know the basics of the Polish language
  • e-learning before and after the course is included in the price (*)

Join with your friends!

Take your friends with you and each of you will receive a discount of up to EUR 100. a group of 2-3 people receives a discount of EUR 50, a group of 4 and more people receives a discount of EUR 100.

PRICE from: .

(*) Access to the online platform includes a selected course at the level A1-B1 for the duration of the course in Cracow and an additional 6 months from the end of the course.

Szkoła języka polskiego wg Крістіан

Досконалий курс вивчення польської мови. Я вражений такою великою кількістю доступних вправ до кожної з тем, що вивчаються. Завдяки цьому навіть важкі теми стають зрозумілими, і моя здатність розуміти і вживати польську мову стає все більш високого рівня.

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