POLISH step by step conquers the world

POLISH step by step conquers the world

POLISH step by step conquers the world

1.1. These Terms and Conditions set out the rules of participation in the Competition organized by polish-courses.com Iwona Stempek, organized as part of the Competition conducted via Facebook (or at www.facebook.com).
1.2. The Competition is organized on the territory of the Republic of Poland.
1.3. Terms used herein:
1) Competition – POLISH step by step conquers the world photo competition
2) Competition entry – a photo made by the Participant, meeting the eligibility criteria for participation in the Competition, as indicated in the Rules.
3) Participant – an adult meeting the conditions set out in the Rules;
4) Organizer: POLISH - COURSES.COM, ul. Józefa Dietla 103/1, 31-031 Kraków NIP: 9590927262, REGON: 120825450.
5) Competition committee – a committee appointed by the Organizer, supervising the proper course of the Competition and choosing Winners.
6) Vote – a like given by someone to a Competition entry. The winner of the Competition will be selected based on the number of votes.
7) Internet user – a person voting for competition entries using likes and through Facebook.
8) Winner – winner of the Competition.
1.4. The Competition starts on 29.07.2021 and ends on 10.09.2021.
1.5. To participate in the Competition, the Participant must give consent to the access through the competition post to selected activities related to the Participant's profile on the Facebook platform.
1.6. Participation in the Competition means that the Participant agrees to the terms of the Competition set out in these Rules, including consent to the processing of the Participant's personal data in the scope and on the terms set out herein.
1.7. The Organizer shall process the Participant's personal data for the purposes of this Competition in order to communicate with them. Furthermore, the Organizer reserves the right to use personal data for marketing purposes for the benefit of the Organizer.
1.8. The processing of personal data shall cover the following scope of data: name and surname, email address, home address, phone number.
1.9. The processing of personal data shall take place on the terms set out in the Act of 29 August 1997 on the protection of personal data (Journal of Laws 2002 No. 101, item 926, as amended).
1.10. By accepting these Rules, the Participant also agrees to the publishing of the submitted competition entry in the Competition post. Entries submitted in a different way, in particular by posting on the Organizer’s timeline, will not be taken into consideration and may be removed by the Organizer.
1.11. By accepting these Rules, the Competition Participant agrees to the free-of-charge use of the image recorded in the photo.
1.12. The Participant shall grant the Organizer a free, territorially and temporarily unlimited licence to publicly disseminate the photos submitted to the Competition on the Facebook social network for the purposes of implementing and promoting the Competition, for marketing and other purposes related to the activities carried out by the Organizer, as well as for all activities, particularly introduction in computer networks, the Internet, multiple recording and reproduction of the image using every technique and preparing for the Organizer's needs, in particular through editorial and computer processing.
1.13. The Competition is neither organized with the participation nor sponsored by the website owner. Facebook is a trademark registered by Facebook Inc.; its use for the purposes of the Competition takes place in accordance with the provisions of the Website’s Terms & Conditions.
1.14. Facebook Inc. is not responsible for the correct course of the Competition. All claims related to the Competition should be addressed to the Organizer.

2.1 The participation in the Competition requires submitting a competition entry, filling in the data correctly and placing it in the competition post available on the facebook.com/glossa.sofl/
2.2 The competition entry can be created using any technique, with a minimum size of 1500x1000 pixels.
2.3 The competition entry must be made in a characteristic and recognizable place in a given country, which will allow determining compliance with the specified location tagged in the picture.
2.4 The competition entry must show any book from the ‘POLSKI krok po kroku’ ‘POLSKI krok po kroku - junior’ ‘CZYTAJ krok po kroku’ or 'FONETYKA - polski w praktyce' series.
2.5 Each competition entry must:
a) be labelled with the Competition participant's status: teacher/student
b) must have its location specified – i.e. the place where it was made. The location can added via Facebook.
2.6 The participant may submit up to three different photos to the Competition. Each photo competes for votes independently. The number of votes for individual photos does not sum up.
2.7 Only one photo from a given Participant can go to the Grand Finale.
2.8 If the Participant submits more than one photo and the submitted photos receive the same number of votes, the Competition Committee shall choose which photo will compete in the Grand Finale.
2.9 If the Participant submits more than three photos, then the three photos that receive the least votes will compete to enter the Grand Finale.
2.10 By joining the Competition, the Participant accepts the provisions of these Rules and declares that they are the sole author of the photo and have full copyrights and related rights to it, and that the photo does not violate the rights of third parties and that all persons in the photo have agreed for the Competition Organizer to use their image free of charge.
2.11 Only persons over 18 years of age may participate in the Competition.
2.12 Participants who provide incorrect information about themselves or submit others to participate will not receive the prize.
2.13 If it is determined that the Participant fails to meet any of the conditions set out in these Rules, such Participant shall be excluded from the Competition and lose any right to the prize in the Competition.
2.14 If the Participant is qualified among the winners, the Participant agrees for the Organizer to publish their entry along with their name and surname as the Competition Winner on the Competition's page and the Organizer's website.

3.1 The Competition is divided into two stages:
The first stage shall be carried out from 29th July 2021 until 31st August 2021, and aims to identify the finalists.
The second stage (Grand Finale) shall be carried out on 10th September 2021 and is aimed at selecting the winner from among the finalists.
3.2 The Finale will include Competition entries that won the highest number of votes from the two categories – teacher and student – 10 entries from each group. The selection of entries will be based on counting votes cast by Internet users.
3.3 In the event of a tie in the Grand Finale, one day of extra time will be provided, so the date of announcing the second stage results may change.
3.4 The list of winners shall be published on the Facebook social network on 12th September 2021 and at kursjezykapolskiego.pl
3.5 Internet users can give two votes for each entry. One vote in the first stage and one in the second stage of the Competition. The Participant providing the data referred to in item 2.1. has the right to access their data and the ability of correcting it as well as the right to delete it.
3.6 Internet users can cast votes for any number of submitted Competition entries.
3.7 The Organizer is not responsible for the Internet service providers through which Participants take part in the Competition, as well as through which the Organizer contacts the Participants, the Participants’ capability to access the Facebook social network or the Organizer’s profile on the Facebook social network, as well as for individual computer settings and the manner of their configuration, or settings or interruption in the provision of services on the part of Internet service providers.
3.8 Competition participants impersonating others to increase their chances will automatically be disqualified from participation in the Organizer’s Competition.
3.9 In the event of a repeating IP and suspicion that a Competition Participant has entered the Competition more than once in order to increase their chances, the Organizer reserves the right to remove that Participant’s entries from the Competition, leaving only the first entry.
3.10 During the Competition and after its completion, the personal data of persons taking part in the Competition are not disclosed to a third party and are only used for promotional purposes.
3.11 The Competition shall reject all entries containing terms or phrases generally recognized as vulgar or offensive or violating personal rights or rights of third parties.

Article 4. AWARDS
4.1 The founder of the prize is the Organizer.
4.2 The Competition participants may not transfer the right to receive the prize to third parties.
4.3 Prizes:

  • 1st Prize:
    in the teacher category – five selected books (e-coursebooks) from the ‘POLSKI krok po kroku’ series + one-year access to the e-polish.eu platform
    in the student category – language course in Kraków + a chosen online course from the e-polish.eu offer
  • 2nd - 5th Prize: two selected books (e-coursebooks) from the ‘POLSKI krok po kroku’ series + access to the e-polish.eu platform (one-year teacher's access or selected online course from the e-polish.eu offer)
  • 6th - 10th Prize: access to the e-polish.eu platform (one-year teacher's access or selected online course from the e-polish.eu offer)

Moreover, all Competition Participants (regardless of whether or not they qualified for the Grand Finale) who have collected a minimum of 10 votes will receive:
- 10% discount for Polish language courses in Poland,
- 50% discount on "POLSKI krok po kroku" series books (e-coursebooks)
- 50% discount on online courses and teachers' subscriptions
The discount applies to orders made and paid for by the end of 2021.
4.4 Winners are not entitled to reserve any special features of the prizes or to receive cash equivalents.
4.5 The Organizer does not cover the costs of flight, accommodation, insurance or any other costs related to the participation in the methodological and linguistic course.
4.6 The Competition Organizer shall notify the Winners about the result in a message sent via the facebook.com portal by 12th September 2021.
4.7 The Competition Organizer reserves the right to verify the identity of the Participants/Winners based on an up-to-date identity document.
4.8 Income tax on material prizes is covered entirely by the Competition Organizer.

5.1 The Organizer reserves the right to cancel the Competition in the event of failure to meet the conditions set out in Article 3.2.
5.2 These rules are the only document defining the terms and conditions of the Competition.
5.3 Complaints can be sent via e-mail to the address info@glossa.pl within 2 days from the date of the end of the Competition.
5.4 The Organizer reserves the right to have 7 working days to handle the complaint.

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